Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday for November 26, 2013

Looking for my PitchWars Mentor Bio? You can find it here

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.Check the link to learn more and join the blog hop!


Among all the things I am thankful for this week, I am most thankful for people. Here are a few without whom I doubt I'd be writing this, much less hoping that you'd actually read it. 

Kimberly P. Chase, in addition to bringing me and my amazing agent together, is a pretty awesome person, and an incredible writer (buy her book, THE APOLLO ACADEMY, now, people. It is so much fun.) Also, she has excellent taste in critique partners. One of the highlights of 2013 for me was getting to chillax together during YALLfest!

Speaking of critique partners, I have a bunch of keepers. You can't have them, but you might some of your own on Scribophile, which is my online writing community. I was pilfered from another online group by a member, and I've never looked back. Echo, Sam, Carolyn, Jay, Jenn, Pinkie, Karyn, Anne, Kimberly, and the rest of you guys, I'm not sure what I'd do without you. I am damn sure I wouldn't be where I am with my writing which is a hell of a lot further than I was a year and a half ago when I joined.

Awesome critique partners occasionally lead to awesome manuscripts which, if all goes well, will lead to kickass agents. Thao Le is one of them. At various points along this journey, she has loved my manuscript more than I do, she's the best cheerleader I could have ever hoped for, and she gives sage advice such as, "it might be taking it a bit too far to behead a major character in your YA manuscript." Fair enough.

I'm not sure how Jolene Haley and I ended up stalking each other, but I'm so glad we did. She gives me awesome books to read before anyone else, lets me rant about them ad nauseum on my blog, and together we have such ridiculous brainshare about all things bookish it's a little scary. Also, she is adorable and super funny.

I'm eternally grateful for Brenda Drake and if you've ever entered one of her contests, you should be, too. There is a TON of work that goes on behind the scenes and Brenda does it all for free. So if you get a chance, thank her. And buy her book when it comes out next year because it sounds BAD ASS.

When I grow up, I'd like to be Megan Miranda. Not only does she write good ish, she's rocket-scientist smart, way nicer than me, and super supportive of the other writers in her life. Also, she bought me a glass of wine at a conference once, which is pretty much guaranteed to put you on the good list in my book.

I don't think I would've gotten page one of IMPERFECTLY FINE written if it weren't for my amazing team of critique partners and beta readers. Susanne and Dawn were two of my first and I was shocked they finished reading my first book at all. Then? Their crazy butts asked for more! Thus, I.F. was born. I miss my T-Dot girls something fierce right now!!

My book loving spawn and her hottie of a father who, despite never reading this blog and therefore never witnessing my calling him a hottie for the whole wide web to see, is incredibly supportive of my writing and all manner of things creative. And adorable, don't you think? Oh yeah, and the kid is pretty cute, too.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly in this forum, I'm thankful to everyone who is reading this. To my tweeps and my scribs, and my blog buddies and everyone else who belongs to the incredible writing world I live in online. You guys rock, and I'm more thankful for you than you know. MWAH!

What are YOU thankful for this week?

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Dannie! And I totally want that mustache mug! :)
