Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday--July 23, 2013: Topics that will make me drop a book like a hot pocket.

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. <~~~Click Here to learn more and join the blog hop!

Top Ten Words/Topics 
That Will Make Me NOT Pick Up a Book

10. Any book with a pink cover. I have an aversion to pink. Blame Freud. 
9. Sarah Dessen--not a big fan of formulaic writers in general, but her formula in particular causes my eyeballs to stick to the tops of their sockets. 

8. Straight up bodice-rippers, anything with half naked men on the cover. Give me a story with some originality and plot that is engaging, not that you skim over to get to the sexytimes. 

7. Sparkly vampires. 'Nough. said. *shudder*

6. Faith-based fiction. This has more to do with me than the books. 

5. I used to say sci-fi but I've changed my tune over the last couple years. Love me some YA light sci-fi now. 

4. Left-leaning political books. They remind me of everything people elsewhere hate about Americans. 

God bless The Onion.
3. Self-help books by people with no clinical background. Especially those that have PhDs in, like, math and use them to get people to buy their books on marriage. 

2. Historical fiction. I completely blame Mrs. Storey, my 11th grade AP American History teacher for this. She ruined history for me. 

1. Any book geared toward teen readers that normalizes binge drinking or other substance abuse. 

What book topics do you avoid like a raging case of chlamydia? 

1 comment:

  1. I like the name of your blog "Left to Write" and I'm happy I found your entry on the Top Ten Tuesday (TTT). Most assuredly, I agree with you about #1 on your list. Please check out TTT | Jorie’s Read’s by Starry Night Elf
